Rayo Seco - Criollo

By Maestro Miguel Cevero

Maguey: Criollo (A. angustifolia ssp)

Region: Zumpahuacán, Estado de México

Altitude: 5,446 ft

Maestro Vinatero: Miguel Cevero

Roast: Conical earthen oven 

ABV: 48%

Grind: Hand-mashed with a wooden mallet

Fermentation: Wild yeast and spring water

Distillation: Twice in a copper pot inside a cascomite trunk

Tasting Notes:

A rare bottle from Estado de México, this criollo is complex yet approachable with its sweet notes of raisin and honey punctuated by mango pulp, star anise and cinnamon.


Rayo Seco - Cenizo Ancestral


La Remilgosa - Verde Ancestral