Rayo Seco - Cenizo Ancestral

by Maestro Vinatero Gilberto Roldan

5Maguey: Cenizo (A. durangensis)

Region: Nombre de Dios, Durango

Altitude: 5,471 ft

Maestro Vinatero: Gilberto Roldan

Roast: Conical earthen oven

ABV: 50.7%

Grind: Hand-mashed with an axe and wooden mallet.

Fermentation: In-ground oak wood vats and spring water

Distillation: Double in filipino still with copper pot and sepertine condenser

Tasting Notes:

Wild-harvested maguey cenizo might be the most common agave in Durango, but this ancestral agave spirit is anything but basic. It brings all the fun with lactic notes of cheese, especially on the nose, combined with cacao and pepper a la Mexican hot chocolate. Creamy and a little funky with a low smoke profile.


Rayo Seco - Sacatoro Artesanal


Rayo Seco - Criollo