Rayo Seco - Cupreata Ancestral

by Maestro Vinatero Margarito Lopez

Maguey: a. Cupreata (wild harvested)

Region: Nicolás Bravo, Guerrero, Mexico

Altitude: 1,141m

Maestro Vinatero: Margarito López Flores

Roast: Conical earthen oven

ABV: 48.5%

Grind: Hand-mashed in a canoe with an axe and wooden mallet

Fermentation: wild yeast with river water

Distillation: Double in ancestral filipino still made of clay and Ayacahuite, with a copper condenser

Tasting notes:

Notes of cacao, coffee beans, plums and wet stones complement a subtle smokiness and an acidic finish, making this expression extremely versatile as both a sophisticated sipper and a delicious addition to cocktails.


Lopez Real - Cuishe


Rayo Seco - Sacatoro Artesanal